

"The youth is our future! You will be at the table to decide how your future will be. "

The Director of the United Nations System Chief Executives board for coordination at COP 15 said. Involvement of young people in th UNFCC negotiation process provides an avenue for elaborating holistic approaches to tackle climate change an promote sustainable development. We need to work together to achieve our common goal.

So, stand up and act now!

The way forward: the World Thinking Day theme for 2012 is Millenium Development Goal 7


" We can save our planet"


The aim: raise awareness of the environment and the impacts our lifestyles and choices have on it.


The poorest people in the worls are the ones who will most feel the effects of environmental degradation and climate change.


???  Did you know

Rainforests once covered 14 per cent of the Earth's land surface. Now they cover just 6 per cent and experts estimate that the last rainforests could be destroyed in less thab 40 years.


Do something today!

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"


"Protect the Earth for children. We must safeguard our natural environment, with its diversity of life, its beauty and its resources, all of wich enhance the quality of ilfe, for present and future generations."


There are a huge range of actions we can take. This year, we will focus our activities:

  • to raise awareness about climate change
  • to reduce carbon dioxide emissions
  • to prepare for the impacts of climate change
  • and to persuade those with power to make a change


We will try to leave this world a little better than we found it!

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